Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wow! We can blog!

Okay...so this year has been huge for me in the way of modern technology.  I created a myspace account (peer pressure from my younger sisters), I figured out text messaging (which still isn't any easier or faster than my big, fat mouth), I purchased an Imac and new photo editing software, enrolled in some digital photography courses and now this blog.  Here I sit wondering what to bore you all with - so I will begin with my wonderful husband.

Ryan will turn 40 this year!  This wonderful man was sent to me nearly 11 years ago.  We just celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary.  We met so young - he 28 and I only 20.   We have in so many ways grown up together and the best part is growing in sync.  I see so many couples grow in different directions but Ryan and I seem to grow together.   We make a great team and cute kids too!  I am so proud to stand next to this amazing man.  He works so hard for his family and never with any complaints.  Ryan is unselfish and a good friend to anyone who knows him.   He's goofy too (he likes to make up random jingles and attempt to sing them). He's a wonderful father, a wonderful husband, my best friend, and he makes me feel safe (especially when he remembers to check the doors at night). He is my strength - he is our strength!  We love our Ryan!

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