Friday, March 28, 2008

More Blogging

I've come to realize just how addicting this blog thing can be.  Yesterday I spent the entire day creating my photography blog site.  My poor family.  I did manage to finally shower at around 9 pm and I did make the kids a semi-balanced lunch but my wonderful husband took it upon himself to start dinner once he realized my butt was glued.  Today I am vowing to not touch my computer all day (well except for this quick little blog and check of my email)  Please pray for me as this will be a hard day of computer withdrawals.  See you here tomorrow!  

Be sure to check out my new photography blog - some of you may recognize some of those cute little faces.  

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A day at the park with our Great-Gramma Doreen

Took a little road trip to visit Great Gramma and Big Papa - they hadn't seen the kids in a almost a year!  It was a great visit ~ hope you feel better soon Papa!

You've been very, very naughty!

We are getting more and more creative with our time-outs when we're away from home....

No not really.  Here's Nolan being a great sport.  We thought about surrounding him with our lunch so the seagulls could drop by to say hello but Ashlee wouldn't allow it.  Oh well, every party has a pooper.

Doran Beach, Bodega Bay, California ~ Spring Break 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Egg Hunt!

Today was a great day for the Lil' Dunns and family!  We went for an egg hunt at Gramma and Papa's clubhouse.  Ashlee, Nolan, Haidyn, Shadwic and Kaihla!  They had such a great time.  Then we went home for a little break which included the little ones' naps.  Later everyone came to our house where we colored eggs and celebrated Mommy's birthday.  It was a beautiful day here in Sacramento - it was so nice to share it with family!

Our Three Kiddos.....Ashlee, Nolan and Haidyn!
Nolan (6) Shadwic (2) Ashlee (8) Kaihla (9mos.) Haidyn (2)

Gramma and Papa with all the grandkids

Monday, March 17, 2008

Nolan's Shiner

Check out Nolan's shiner - courtesy of Ashlee.  Took us a few minutes to get past the blood and screaming but here's the story - as told by Ashlee.  "I was just trying to help him, he left his DS out.  I was trying to save his DS (Nintendo)!  Haidyn was about to grab it off the couch so I snatched it real quick and tossed it to Nolan.  He wasn't looking and it smacked him in the eye!  It was an accident!  I didn't know......(sob, sob, sob...)

Here's the story - as told by Nolan.  "She is the meanest sister in the world!  Now she knows I wasn't looking so it WAS on purpose!  She never loved me!  (pause)  I can't go to church or school forever now!  (with a sad tone) Thanks a lot Ashlee.......(with a sudden look of excitement)......hey thanks Ashlee!"

Nolan did go to school today but ironically was sent home early with a fever.  When I picked him up the school nurse seemed very concerned about his eye - asking me very specific questions in a very accusatory tone.  I think they have started a file and I'm sure CPS will be contacting us soon.

Here's how he spent the afternoon anxiously waiting for the meanest sister in the world to come home.  It's a twisted love/hate relationship - we don't try to understand it.

St. Patty's Day!

May luck be our companion
May friends stand by our side
May history remind us all
Of Ireland's faith and pride.
May God bless us with happiness
May love and faith abide.
~Irish Blessing

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light,
May good luck pursue you each morning and night.
~Irish Blessing

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Following the leader...

"A leader is one who influences a specific group of people to move in a God-given direction."
— J. Robert Clinton

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Haidyn!

Haidyn loves to catch air!  She just keeps saying, "More daddy! Again, again!"  Maybe this is why Ryan may need shoulder surgery?  hmmm.......

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Papa Dennis!  

Let's all be careful

I can't get this one off my mind.  Check out this link - this case is current.  

This is a story about an everyday mom who takes her kids to do a good deed during the holidays, thinks she's making the best of choices and ends up being arrested for child endangerment.  My heart goes out to this mother with myself being a mother of 3 and having to make similar split decisions.  For those of you who don't know me well, which most of you do because I am very open about my insane ability to see the possible crisis in every situation, know that I am  a bit crazy.   I have what I call the "what if" syndrome.  "What if  my house catches on fire while the kids are inside and I'm on my way to the mailbox just yards away?"  or  "What if someone comes into my home in the dead of the night to harm me or the kids while Ryan is away?" or "what if........"  I think you get the idea.  I know I need therapy but I just can't seem to turn off these thoughts.  Even as crazy and careful as I am, I have to admit I regularly leave my kids in the car to pump gas, run that letter to the mailbox fifteen feet away or drop something off to a neighbor. Hello!?  We all do!   I am a great mom and would never do anything to put my kids in danger.  What a sad situation.  I can feel for both sides of this debate.  I have seen children that were clearly left unattended while the parent was inside shopping and in those situations I have approached the parent or in a few situations even contacted the authorities. In this woman's situation, I may have likely done the same thing  - although not in the heat of the summer because my "what if" syndrome would kick in and remind me that the possibility exists that I may not return to my child for some unforeseen reason and her life would be over.  (see where Ashlee gets her drama)  

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wow! We can blog! this year has been huge for me in the way of modern technology.  I created a myspace account (peer pressure from my younger sisters), I figured out text messaging (which still isn't any easier or faster than my big, fat mouth), I purchased an Imac and new photo editing software, enrolled in some digital photography courses and now this blog.  Here I sit wondering what to bore you all with - so I will begin with my wonderful husband.

Ryan will turn 40 this year!  This wonderful man was sent to me nearly 11 years ago.  We just celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary.  We met so young - he 28 and I only 20.   We have in so many ways grown up together and the best part is growing in sync.  I see so many couples grow in different directions but Ryan and I seem to grow together.   We make a great team and cute kids too!  I am so proud to stand next to this amazing man.  He works so hard for his family and never with any complaints.  Ryan is unselfish and a good friend to anyone who knows him.   He's goofy too (he likes to make up random jingles and attempt to sing them). He's a wonderful father, a wonderful husband, my best friend, and he makes me feel safe (especially when he remembers to check the doors at night). He is my strength - he is our strength!  We love our Ryan!