Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Cut

Haidyn got her first hair cut this morning.  We needed to get rid of some of that tangly, brittle baby hair.  It had been 2 1/2 years and mommy was ready to say bye-bye.  We had not cut it before this, other than her bangs.  She was very excited for a hair cut - but squirmy!  I kept questioning her over and over again, "who cuts hair Haidyn?"  and she would answer, "Mommy do it."   "Does Haidyn cut hair?"  "NO, Mommy do it."   Hopefully she will only use scissors on paper.  Wish me luck on that one.  


I cut about 4 inches off the back!
"Awe, I cute!"


Tammi said...

You had me nervous that you were going to chop it off!!! It looks so cute!

Grandma Doreen said...

You look soooo beautiful. We love our little blond angel so much.