Monday, August 4, 2008

A Gym Swim - (or not)

It was a nice night so we decided to go for a swim at our gym.  We were disappointed when we got there and the pool was closed - earlier in the day they found a "floater".  Yuck!  But we decided to stay and play in the water park area.  I brought along my camera and snapped a few before I was told to put the camera away by security.  I wasn't aware cameras weren't aloud at the pool but once I thought about it I was in favor of the rule.  I wouldn't want just anyone snapping pics of my kids in their suits.  So enjoy the few that I got.

My boys
This is such a rare shot for me to have captured - Nolan hates the camera.  But isn't he handsome?
Miss personality!
Ashlee - "Weeee!"
I don't think I'll ever understand why Ry calls Haidyn, Hai-a-lot.  I think it somehow relates to the CareBears and the land of Care-a-lot???  So far, she doesn't seem to mind though.


Grandma Doreen said...

You are such a wonderful family. What fun you always seem to have. Those kids will have such memories and "remember whens". Keep up the good work.

Kimberly Dunn said...

Okay, update on the Hai-a-lot. Ryan remembers Ashlee's CarBear days and the theme song goes something like this...."Care-a-lot is a place we all can share...." He had the tune in his head one day and changed the words as he was singing to Haidyn. Something like this...."Hai-a-lot is a babe we all can love...."

"It just stuck I guess" he said. I tried to convince him to sing it for a blog video but he declined. I tried!