I'm a a little behind on my posts but now that summer is officially over for the kids tomorrow - Whoo hoo! (Oh wow, did I just say that? I meant, how sad - I shall miss them dearly.) I decided it time to add the final summer posts. So, here is our ever so fun trip to Lake Mendocino. We took the kids camping for 4 days. It was fun although by day 4 we were ready to head home - back to hot water and electricity. My sister, Tammi and her family joined us on day two and that made it even more enjoyable. Despite the killer heat and the lingering smoke from nearby wild fires, the kids had a blast! We decided in the near future that there will be no more camping at the lake without a boat - it's an essential. (so anyone reading this who has a boat - we would love to have you over for dinner and a game night) hee hee
Sean, Tammi, Kaihla, Haidyn, Kimberly, Ryan, Shad, Ashlee & Nolan



Makin' S'mores...

Oh, and let's not forget Max, our newest addition to the family. Caught by Uncle Sean at Lake Mendo. We brought him home and he is now Nolan's new pet...